Acne: Introduction
Acne is a skin disease that affects the skin pores. When the sebaceous glands produce too many sebum, the pores are (or follicles) blocked the results are due to the inability of the pores to expel the correct oil. The skin turn red, the management and can be inflamed. (If the button is no crack inflammation, black or white.) Pore may as well turn into clogged with excess dead skin cells. Acne typically affects the face, but there are, indeed, body acne, which affects the back, chest, neck and hands.
Who can suffer from acne?
Adolescents and children in pre-teens have acne than other age groups (3 of 4 teenagers with acne); it is true that we all suffer. Acne is not uncommon in children, as well as acne in adults.
What is the reason for acne?
There are numerous theories regarding the causes of skin problems, which explains why acne is more common in adolescents, nevertheless, usually refers to hormonal reasons. Puberty can cause changing in the performance of the sebaceous glands, which are encouraged to generate further sebum, thereby blocking the pores. Women (or young) also noted attack's acne at the time of menstruation, pregnancy, menopause or any stage of the life cycle where they become significant hormonal changes. Skin Care or misuse of cosmetics that hydrates dry skin or too much, which leads to acne.
How can I prevent acne?
Different people are more inclined to acne than others (it has a leaning to suppose that acne is most likely a genetic disease), but that does not mean you cannot have control. If you take good care of your skin and only use products for skin capillaries, which are for you, you will need to reduce the incidence and severity of acne when it appeared. A healthy diet will also help reduce the effects of acne, recommended, for example, drink plenty of water throughout the day. The best thing you can do is to treat acne is to start deteriorating. People who expect worse acne will be more difficult to treat.
How to cure acne?
If symptoms are mild acne, try a mild detergent and use a cream for acne-prone skin or acne-prone. If you want to be more aggressive (and probably more effective), talk to your dermatologist, he will advise you on drugs you will agree. This may mean you may have with drugs such as Retin-A or Differin, and may recommend you stop taking drugs that are used as loudly as Accutane. Converse someone or your friends so they can advise you that the product names that helped them. This will help you have healthy skin as soon as possible and without acne.