Many years of stomach problems? It may be celiac disease?

Stomach and intestine:

There is an average of 10 years with symptoms of celiac disease diagnosis is made. In the series of autoimmune diseases, we present an intestinal disease that gives a lot of complaints but can be kept in check with proper diet.

On a doctor's office, every week, there are many complaints about his distress of stomach problems. Abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation, all people experience in their lives for a shorter or longer period. The symptoms are related to what you eat is most aware of. However, some will not get rid of their symptoms, even if time passes, and you adhere to the stout food. Some of these patients have celiac disease.

An old disease
Celiac disease has probably existed on Earth for a very long time. Symptoms similar to celiac disease have been found in historical sources from way back. The last century has been clear that the symptoms represent a separate disease, but as with all forms of intolerance, it has been difficult to pick out the substance that causes pain. During the First World War, when the supply of food was sparse in Europe, there were fewer who had these symptoms. After the war, when flour was more accessible, the symptoms came back.

First, in 1949's scientists could establish that the substances that caused symptoms were gluten. Before this occurred would a celiac disease in severe cases lead to death because the patient was not in the industry.

How often do you eat gluten?
It is not certain you have heard about gluten before, and perhaps you will deny having had it on the menu this week. However, you have probably eaten a lot of gluten in your life. Gluten is a protein found especially in wheat, but also in rye, barley and urhvete (played). Think of how many times a week you eat something containing these grains! Then think about how different your menu would be without them!

What happens in the gut?
In the small intestine, surface consists of little growths; villi. The reason that the surface is not flat and so is to increase intestinal surface so that all absorption of nutrients can be quickly and adequately.

Those who have celiac disease have a harmful immune reaction in the small intestine when they eat gluten. Villi disappeared, and the intestinal surface is flat. This means again that the intestines cannot absorb enough nutrients to the body. The body will eventually develop deficiencies because of this.

Do I have celiac disease?
Symptoms can vary from mild to very severe symptoms. Often onset symptoms in 20 - or 30-years, and women are more sometimes affected than men.

  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain
  • Air Problems
  • Rumbling in the stomach
  • Diarrhoea and / or constipation,
  • Frequent bowel movements that may be offensive, in large quantities and contain lots of fat. (Stool becomes light and "fat" floating in the toilet bowl / is difficult to draw down)
  • Weight Loss
  • Slow growth (child)
  • Deficiency Disorders

The symptoms are nonspecific, that is not typical for a specific disease, and many may have these symptoms without celiac disease means. However, your doctor will think about the possibility if the problems are longstanding.

Studies have shown that there are on average 10 years of pain for patients with celiac disease get that diagnosis. As knowledge increases among physicians and patients will hopefully that number go down.

Who is celiac disease?
It is a hereditary component in celiacs. It is 10-15% chance of close relatives of a coliaker for even getting the disease. We know that certain tissues are more common in celiacs than in others (tissue types are inherited). It is estimated that 1 in 300 people has celiac disease, but many of these have not been diagnosed. The figures vary, and some believe that as many as 1 in 100 have the disease. However, what this really means is that no one knows yet.

What does the doctor?
Once the doctor has thought of celiac disease is a series of surveys that are available. The most important is the sampling of the lining of the intestine. It subsequently made a gastroscopy which also is taken with a minute biopsy of the small intestine surface. This is examined under a microscope, and you can then determine if the changes fit with celiac disease or not. Since the gut is normal when you cut out gluten, it is important that you have been eating regular food before such a study be done.

To avoid gastroscope anyone with stomach problems, there are blood tests that can prove who has celiac disease or not. The doctor will take along with some other blood tests to determine whether the disease has led to any deficiencies that must be corrected.

The treatment is simple - or?
The short version of the treatment: Avoid gluten! On a gluten-free diet would be the normal intestine with regular villi, and the function will return. Patients will receive a new life largely without symptoms. However, the new life also means that the diet must be carefully checked for gluten.

Since gluten is found in all grain types mentioned above, a clackers life difficult. Celiac Society has on its website information about what is safe to eat, and recipes. Health food shops and, increasingly, other stores often offer gluten costly and good food labeling makes it easier for a person with celiac disease to find its food.

If your diet is gluten-free, a Kolliker could live a life with little symptoms compared to before. A new flare-up of symptoms even though he is on the same diet should always be examined by a doctor. Celiacs have slightly increased risk of lymphoma / lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract, but also here is that this probability decreases if the diet is correct. Celiacs as well have slightly increased risk of a particular skin condition called dermatitis herpetiformis. The disease rarely pops up if the diet is gluten-free.

The symptoms of celiac disease may be diffuse and many people with problems for several years. Once the diagnosis is made, a gluten-free diet gave patients a new life.