Lifestyle Changes to urinary incontinence

Kidneys and urinary disorders:Here you will find advice on which factors in your life you can change to prevent urinary incontinence.Food and drinkSome beverages and foods seems a diuretic and makes it even harder to have [...]
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Why should I train

Sports and exercise:There are some obvious benefits of exercise: you can bear more; the body becomes tighter, and you may be going down in weight. But there are some medical benefits? Can you extend your life by exercising?Live [...]
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Zinc effective at colds?

Alternative Medicine:A U.S. study found that taking large doses of zinc can shorten the course of the disease in common colds. Moreover, experienced subjects taking zinc tablets, the symptoms were less.It has long been debated [...]
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Stomach ache

Mom, I have a stomach ache!Abdominal pain is very common in children, from infancy and well into their teens.As many as 20 percent of all children are afflicted with stomach pains that come and go over a long period. There [...]
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Metabolic disorders - hypothyroidism

Hormone system:Thyroid Diseases with too little thyroid, hypothyroidismCauses of hypothyroidismThe most common cause of hypothyroidism is the body's defense suddenly (and we have no idea why!) Bearing substances (antibodies) [...]
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All about stress incontinence

Kidneys and urinary disorders:Stress incontinence is the most common form of urinary incontinence in women. It is estimated that 10 - 20% of all women are struggling with this.What is stress incontinence?Stress incontinence [...]
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Treatment of stress incontinence

Kidneys and Urinary disorders:If you suffer from incontinence, you should contact a physician. Even if you find it embarrassing, this is something that general practitioners are used to. Together you can arrive at a solution [...]
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Pregnancy 7 weeks

Pregnancy and birth:Fetal age: five weeksThe facilities for hands and feet are now minute buds and at the end of the next hand. there are small grooves that will develop into fingers. The head grows much this week because [...]
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Pregnancy 9 week

Labor and birth:Fetal age: 7 weeksThe small embryo is moving cautiously now, but you can unfortunately not notice it yet. The head is large relative to the rest of the body. More body parts are now recognized; fingers are [...]
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Many years of stomach problems? It may be celiac disease?

Stomach and intestine:There is an average of 10 years with symptoms of celiac disease diagnosis is made. In the series of autoimmune diseases, we present an intestinal disease that gives a lot of complaints but can be kept [...]
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